Defining Which Controls Have Tab Stops


This script shows how to use the {DEFAULTTABSTOPS}, {NOTABSTOPS}, {TABSTOPS}, and {ENDTAB} to define which dialog controls have tab stops.

If you use the {TABSTOPS} command in Alpha Anywhere Version 6, then all controls that come after the command will have tab stops. this is actually the standard Windows behavior. this includes owner draw buttons, and tab buttons. The {ENDTAB} command terminates the {TABSTOPS} command.

Tab stops enabled. All controls have tab stops.;
First Name:|[fname];
Last Name:|[lname];
<OK> <%B=T;O=Owner Draw Button%tb>

The {NOTABSTOPS} command disables all tabbing behavior. The {ENDTAB} command terminates the {NOTABSTOPS} command.

Tab stops disabled. No controls in this section have tab stops.;
First Name:|[fname];
Last Name:|[lname];
<OK> <%B=T;O=Owner Draw Button%tb>

The {DEFAULTTABSTOPS} command enables Alpha Anywhere Version 5 tabbing behavior. The {ENDTAB} command terminates the {DEFAULTTABSTOPS} command.

First Name:|[fname];
Last Name:|[lname];
<OK> <%B=T;O=Owner Draw Button%tb>


Desktop applications only

See Also